Thursday, October 20, 2011

WONDERFUL NEWS! Shrine's facial surgery scheduled for tuesday!

As you may remember, the hospital Shrine was initially at had planned a reconstructive surgery for the bone structure behind Shrine's left eye, but then canceled it and released him to go home, with the condition of his face (interior) still hanging in the balance, which urgently needs attention. A dear friend of Shrine's Dr. Brian Herman, has graciously connected Shrine with a Maxillofacial Surgeon who has agreed to do the surgery for free! The next step was to get the hospital he works through to allow for this to take place, something that is never ever approved for usually. Dr. Brian made the case with the hospital administrators today, sharing Shrine's story, financial predicament, and urgent need for surgery. Thanks to Dr. Brian the hospital is going to allow for the Maxillofacial Surgeon to do the surgery at a fraction of what it would normally cost, with the money that has been raised through his PayPal donations! With no insurance needed and no more bills afterwards! Shrine's facial surgery (interior) is scheduled for this tuesday 10/25. He wanted you all to know :) And he sends huge thanks to all who have donated, helping to make this crucial procedure possible!

This is awesOme news, and please note that there are other vital areas that Shrine will continue to need treatment for, such as his aorta. Funds continue to be needed for these treatments, his expenses (as he will be not working for months), and of course the whooper of the initial hospital and ICU bill. Please continue to donate what you can, and support (and enjoy!) the beautiful Benefit events that are happening very soon. There are Los Angeles and SF Bay Benefits in the works right now, stay tuned. And of course this very weekend in Los Angeles, the Lucent Dossier Shows that are FULL Benefits for Shrine. (See this post for info)

Love you Ol' Pal!


  1. Facial surgery create well angles on face and make that attractive. It is better for make good and effective view.
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  2. DON'T CHANGE WHO YOU ARE!!!!! GOD!!!!!! AAAAAAGGGGHHH!!!!!!!!! just saying.... I don't think trying to make your face look fatter is a good idea :/Facial surgery india
